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PCMN, in collaboration with CSA, hosts its first-ever paid webinar on local giving

“Fundraising is a journey. We take our donors on a journey to discover the freedom and joy of giving.” Christian Stewardship Association (CSA) Ambassador, Mr. Efren Pallorina said as he concluded the webinar on Growing Local Giving for Sustainable Fundraising held last February 5, 2021, via Zoom.

A total of 91 participants from the Philippine Children’s Ministries Network (PCMN) members and partners, CSA contacts, and external partners registered to join the webinar.

“To raise fundraisers at this unprecedented time is a step of faith and a hard task.” PCMN National Director, Ms. Fe A. Foronda, said as she gave the welcome remarks and stated the objectives on why PCMN, in partnership with CSA, hosted a webinar on fundraising. The webinar aimed to inform and inspire the PCMN member organizations that raising indigenous support ensures the long-term sustainability of ministries.

To download the copy of the presentation of the welcome remarks by Ms. Foronda, click here.

Mr. Pallorina, the webinar’s moderator, gave biblical-theological teaching and examples from the Bible. He quotes Proverbs 11:25 “whoever brings blessings will be enriched, and the one who waters will himself be watered.” He emphasized that the generosity of the believers came out of the fulness of the Holy Spirit in them (Acts 2:44-45). He said that through fundraising, we build a community and a communion of giving and receiving.

The webinar showcased stories of local fundraising. CSA president and former Asian Theological Seminary development director, Zenet Maramara, shared how ATS transitioned from foreign funding to local support. David “Dabs” Liban, debunked fundraising myths when World Vision began local fundraising. Visions of Hope executive director, and founder of Right Start, Arlene Sy showed how they raise all-local support through various fundraising campaigns. A ministry supporter, Carol V. Roa, gave her testimonial as a local donor.

Ms. Maramara’s talk focused on her stewardship journey and setting up the local fundraising department. She showed four keys to the success of local giving, i.e. a clear theology of fundraising, full-time fundraising, support from the board and leadership, and setting up an annual giving program. She recommends that the fundraising person forms a  fundraising committee of four to six people to help with the planning and execution of the development plan.

“We are raising stewards, not raising funds.” – the line that captured the advocacy of Mr. Liban as he discussed the myths of fundraising and tips on effective fundraising such as using bite-size stories and development nuggets and guiding people every step until they discover the heart of Jesus in the face of children we are helping.

“Find your niche”, stresses Arlene Sy, as she shared the steps and strategies in building a startup fundraising program. She shared the steps she used in an NGO, Right Start, which she builds it from zero to a four million annual budget. “Funders look for impact rather than the activities.”, she added.

After the fundraiser’s perspectives, Ms. Roa shared her testimony as a local giver. As she provided the seven principles to be considered between organizations and funders and noted that it was never a transactional but a transformational relationship. She adds, “prayer is the greatest asset, discernment is second.” Giving is a way of life for generous people! That is our goal to grow generous people. That is why we need to give people  giving opportunities.” Ms. Maramara said as she synthesized the takeaways of the webinar.

PCMN collaborated with CSA as PCMN wishes to build the capacity of its member organizations and partners to resource locally more effectively.#

To download the presentation from the webinar, click here: